Source code for arim.scat

Scattering functions and helpers

In a nutshell: use :func:`scat_factory` to create a :class:`Scattering2d` object.

Single frequency scattering matrices are defined formally as::

    S_LL[j, i] = scat_func_LL(phi_in[i], phi_out[j], frequency) for i, j in 0..numangles-1

where `phi_in` and `phi_out` are linearly spaced 1d array between `-pi` (included) and `pi`
(excluded), as returned by :func:`make_angles`. NB: ``S_LL[phi_out_idx, phi_in_idx]``

Multiple frequency scattering matrices are defined formally as::

    S_LL[k, j, i] = scat_func_LL(phi_in[i], phi_out[j], frequencies[k])

.. data:: SCAT_KEYS
   :annotation: = frozenset(('LL', 'LT', 'TL', 'TT'))

   Keys for the different kinds of scattering.
   The first letter is the mode of the
   incident wave; the second letter is the mode of the scattered wave.
   In this module, functions that take an argument ``to_compute`` expects a subset of
   these keys.


import abc
import contextlib
import ctypes
import functools
import math
import warnings

import numba
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
from numpy.core.umath import cos, pi, sin
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.special._ufuncs import hankel1, hankel2

from . import _scat, _scat_crack, exceptions, ut

SCAT_KEYS = frozenset(("LL", "LT", "TL", "TT"))

[docs] def make_angles(numpoints): """Return angles for scattering matrices. Linearly spaced vector in [-pi, pi[.""" return np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, numpoints, endpoint=False)
[docs] def make_angles_grid(numpoints): """Return angles for scattering matrices as a grid of incident and outgoing angles.""" theta = make_angles(numpoints) inc_theta, out_theta = np.meshgrid(theta, theta, indexing="xy") return inc_theta, out_theta
[docs] def interpolate_matrix(scattering_matrix): """ Returns a function that takes as input the incident angles and the scattering angles. This returned function returns the scattering amplitudes, obtained by bilinear interpolation of the scattering matrix. Parameters ---------- scattering_matrix : ndarray Returns ------- func """ assert scattering_matrix.ndim == 2 assert scattering_matrix.shape[0] == scattering_matrix.shape[1] return functools.partial( _scat._interpolate_scattering_matrix_ufunc, scattering_matrix )
[docs] def interpolate_matrices(scattering_matrices): """ Convert a dictionary containing scattering matrices to a dictionary containing functions that interpolate the values of the scattering matrices. Parameters ---------- scattering_matrices : dict[str, ndarray] Returns ------- dict[str, function] """ return {key: interpolate_matrix(mat) for key, mat in scattering_matrices.items()}
[docs] def sdh_2d_scat( inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, radius, longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel, min_terms=10, term_factor=4, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS, ): """ Scattering coefficients for a side-drilled hole in 2D The scattered field is given by:: u_scat(r, theta) = u0 * sqrt(1 / r) * exp(-i k r + i omega i ray) * (sqrt(lambda_L) A(theta) e_r + sqrt(lambda_T) B(theta) e_theta) where A(theta) and B(theta) are the scattering coefficients for respectively L and T scattered waves and where e_r and e_theta are the two vectors of the cylindrical coordinate system. The coefficient for LL, LT, TL and TT are obtained from Lopez-Sanchez's paper, equations 33, 34, 39, 40. See also Brind's paper. Another difference with these papers is the definition of theta. We use the NDT convention where pulse-echo corresponds to theta=0. For Brind, Lopez-Sanchez et al. pulse-echo corresponds to theta=pi. The number of factor in the sum is:: maxn = max(min_terms, ceil(term_factor * alpha), ceil(term_factor * beta)) Parameters ---------- inc_theta : ndarray Angle in radians. Pulse echo case corresponds to inc_theta = out_theta out_theta : ndarray Angle in radians. frequency : float radius : float longitudinal_vel : float transverse_vel : float min_terms : int term_factor : int to_compute : set See :data:`SCAT_KEYS` Returns ------- result : dict Keys corresponds to 'to_compute' argument. Values have the shape of theta. References ---------- [Lopez-Sanchez] Lopez-Sanchez, Ana L., Hak-Joon Kim, Lester W. Schmerr, and Alexander Sedov. 2005. ‘Measurement Models and Scattering Models for Predicting the Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Response From Side-Drilled Holes’. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 24 3): 83–96. doi:10.1007/s10921-005-7658-4. [Brind] Brind, R. J., J. D. Achenbach, and J. E. Gubernatis. 1984. ‘High-Frequency Scattering of Elastic Waves from Cylindrical Cavities’. Wave Motion 6 (1): 41–60. doi:10.1016/0165-2125(84)90022-2. [Zhang] Zhang, Jie, B.W. Drinkwater, and P.D. Wilcox. 2008. ‘Defect Characterization Using an Ultrasonic Array to Measure the Scattering Coefficient Matrix’. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 55 (10): 2254–65. doi:10.1109/TUFFC.924. """ theta = out_theta - inc_theta if not SCAT_KEYS.issuperset(to_compute): raise ValueError( f"Valid 'to_compute' arguments are {SCAT_KEYS} (got {to_compute})" ) # wavenumber kl = 2 * pi * frequency / longitudinal_vel kt = 2 * pi * frequency / transverse_vel # Brind eq 2.8 alpha = kl * radius beta = kt * radius beta2 = beta * beta # sum from n=0 to n=maxn (inclusive) # The larger maxn, the better the axppromixation maxn = max( [int(min_terms), math.ceil(term_factor * alpha), math.ceil(term_factor * beta)] ) n = np.arange(0, maxn + 1) n2 = n * n # Brind eq 2.8 epsilon = np.full(n.shape, 2.0) epsilon[0] = 1.0 # Definition of C_n^(i)(x) and D_n^(i)(x) # Brind, eq 31 c1 = lambda x: (n2 + n - beta2 / 2) * hankel1(n, x) - x * hankel1(n - 1, x) c2 = lambda x: (n2 + n - beta2 / 2) * hankel2(n, x) - x * hankel2(n - 1, x) d1 = lambda x: (n2 + n) * hankel1(n, x) - n * x * hankel1(n - 1, x) d2 = lambda x: (n2 + n) * hankel2(n, x) - n * x * hankel2(n - 1, x) c1_alpha = c1(alpha) c2_alpha = c2(alpha) d1_alpha = d1(alpha) d2_alpha = d2(alpha) c1_beta = c1(beta) c2_beta = c2(beta) d1_beta = d1(beta) d2_beta = d2(beta) # in angle phi = theta + pi # n_phi[i1, ..., id, j] := phi[i1, ..., id] * n[j] n_phi = np.einsum("...,j->...j", phi, n) cos_n_phi = cos(n_phi) sin_n_phi = sin(n_phi) del n_phi result = dict() # NB: sqrt(2j/(pi * k)) = sqrt(i) / pi if "LL" in to_compute: # Lopez-Sanchez eq (29) A_n = ( 1j / (2 * alpha) * ( 1 + (c2_alpha * c1_beta - d2_alpha * d1_beta) / (c1_alpha * c1_beta - d1_alpha * d1_beta) ) ) # Brind (2.9) without: # - u0, the amplitude of the incident wave, # - 'exp(i k r)' which in Bristol LTI model is in the propagation term, # - 'lambda/sqrt(r)' which in Bristol LTI model is the 2D beamspread term, # # This is consistent with Lopez-Sanchez eq (33). # # NB: exp(i pi /4) = sqrt(i) # # The line: # out = np.einsum('...j,j->...', n_phi, coeff) # gives the result: # out[i1, ..., id] = sum_j (n_phi[i1, ..., id, j] * coeff[j]) r = (np.sqrt(1j) / pi * alpha) * np.einsum( "...j,j->...", cos_n_phi, epsilon * A_n ) result["LL"] = r if "LT" in to_compute: # Lopez-Sanchez eq (30) B_n = ( 2 * n / (pi * alpha) * ((n2 - beta2 / 2 - 1) / (c1_alpha * c1_beta - d1_alpha * d1_beta)) ) # Lopez-Sanchez (34) # Warning: there is a minus sign in Brind (2.10). We trust LS here. # See also comments for result['LL'] r = (np.sqrt(1j) / pi * beta) * np.einsum( "...j,j->...", sin_n_phi, epsilon * B_n ) result["LT"] = r if "TL" in to_compute: # Lopez-Sanchez eq (41) A_n = ( 2 * n / (pi * beta) * (n2 - beta2 / 2 - 1) / (c1_alpha * c1_beta - d1_alpha * d1_beta) ) # Lopez-Sanchez eq (39) # See also comments for result['LL'] r = (np.sqrt(1j) / pi * alpha) * np.einsum( "...j,j->...", sin_n_phi, epsilon * A_n ) result["TL"] = r if "TT" in to_compute: # Lopez-Sanchez eq (42) B_n = ( 1j / (2 * beta) * ( 1 + (c2_beta * c1_alpha - d2_beta * d1_alpha) / (c1_alpha * c1_beta - d1_alpha * d1_beta) ) ) # Lopez-Sanchez eq (40) # See also comments for result['LL'] r = (np.sqrt(1j) / pi * beta) * np.einsum( "...j,j->...", cos_n_phi, epsilon * B_n ) result["TT"] = r return result
[docs] def crack_2d_scat( inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, crack_length, longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel, density, nodes_per_wavelength=20, assume_safe_for_opt=False, to_compute={"LL", "LT", "TL", "TT"}, ): """ Scattering matrix of the centre of a crack. The model assumes there is little interaction with the walls, ie the crack is deep enough (not a surface crack). Resolution with a Galerkin method. Parameters ---------- inc_theta : ndarray out_theta : ndarray frequency : float crack_length : float longitudinal_vel : float transverse_vel : float density : float nodes_per_wavelength : int Default: 20 assume_safe_for_opt : bool Default: False. If True, use an optimised implementation which requires that ``inc_theta[i, j] = inc_theta[i, 0]`` for all i and j. If False, use slower but more general implementation. Warning: no check is performed to ensure the assumption holds. to_compute : set[str] See :data:`SCAT_KEYS` Returns ------- dict of ndarray Notes ----- Original code: function ``fn_s_matrices_for_crack_2d`` by Alexander Velichko and Paul D. Wilcox from the University of Bristol NDT library. Python code by Nicolas Budyn. References ---------- [Glushkov] Glushkov, Evgeny, Natalia Glushkova, Alexander Ekhlakov, and Elena Shapar. 2006. ‘An Analytically Based Computer Model for Surface Measurements in Ultrasonic Crack Detection’. Wave Motion 43 (6): 458–73. doi:10.1016/j.wavemoti.2006.03.002. Unpublished work from Alexander Velichko """ valid_keys = {"LL", "LT", "TL", "TT"} if not valid_keys.issuperset(to_compute): raise ValueError( f"Valid 'to_compute' arguments are {valid_keys} (got {to_compute})" ) final_broadcast = np.broadcast(inc_theta, out_theta) if final_broadcast.ndim > 2: raise NotImplementedError inc_theta, out_theta = np.atleast_2d(inc_theta, out_theta) inc_theta, out_theta = np.broadcast_arrays(inc_theta, out_theta) # Explicitly mark the broadcasted arrays as read-only, to prevent # a FutureWarning and anticipate the future behaviour of numpy. inc_theta.flags.writeable = False out_theta.flags.writeable = False comp_broadcast = np.broadcast(inc_theta, out_theta) v_L = longitudinal_vel v_T = transverse_vel use_incident_L = "LL" in to_compute or "LT" in to_compute use_incident_T = "TL" in to_compute or "TT" in to_compute lambda_L = v_L / frequency xi2 = 2 * pi * frequency / v_T xi = v_T / v_L # mesh definition num_nodes = int(np.ceil(crack_length / lambda_L * nodes_per_wavelength)) p = 0.113_340_798_6 # magic constant h_nodes = crack_length / (num_nodes + 2 * p) x_nodes = np.arange(num_nodes) * h_nodes + ( h_nodes * (1 / 2 + p) - crack_length / 2 ) # get matrices for the linear system A_x = _scat_crack.A_x(xi, xi2, h_nodes, num_nodes) A_z = _scat_crack.A_z(xi, xi2, h_nodes, num_nodes) # init output (always in 2D) S_LL = np.zeros(comp_broadcast.shape, np.complex128, order="F") S_LT = np.zeros(comp_broadcast.shape, np.complex128, order="F") S_TL = np.zeros(comp_broadcast.shape, np.complex128, order="F") S_TT = np.zeros(comp_broadcast.shape, np.complex128, order="F") if assume_safe_for_opt: inc_theta_vect = inc_theta[0] matrices = _scat_crack.crack_2d_scat_matrix( inc_theta_vect, out_theta, v_L, v_T, density, frequency, use_incident_L, use_incident_T, x_nodes, h_nodes, A_x, A_z, S_LL, S_LT, S_TL, S_TT, ) else: matrices = _scat_crack.crack_2d_scat_general( inc_theta, out_theta, v_L, v_T, density, frequency, use_incident_L, use_incident_T, x_nodes, h_nodes, A_x, A_z, S_LL, S_LT, S_TL, S_TT, ) # reshape output to the requested shape final_matrices = [m.reshape(final_broadcast.shape) for m in matrices] return dict(zip(("LL", "LT", "TL", "TT"), final_matrices))
@numba.cfunc("f8(f8, voidptr)", cache=True) def _crack_tip_integrand(x, data): alpha, k_p, k_s = numba.carray(data, 3, dtype=numba.float64) return -math.atan( (4 * x**2 * math.sqrt(x**2 - k_p**2) * math.sqrt(k_s**2 - x**2)) / (2 * x**2 - k_s**2) ** 2 ) / ((x + alpha) * math.pi) def _crack_tip_k_plus_integral(alpha, k_p, k_s, eps=1e-3, **quad_kwargs): # integral in equation 2b # includes the -1/pi factor integrand_params = np.array([alpha, k_p, k_s]) integrand_params_ptr = ctypes.cast(integrand_params.ctypes, ctypes.c_void_p) integrand_c = scipy.LowLevelCallable( _crack_tip_integrand.ctypes, integrand_params_ptr ) # singularity at x = -alpha = beta beta = -alpha assert k_p < k_s assert eps > 0 if k_p < beta < k_s: # enforce k_p <= beta - eps/2 # and beta + eps/2 <= k_s max_allowable_eps = min(2 * (beta - k_p), 2 * (k_s - beta)) assert max_allowable_eps > 0 if eps >= max_allowable_eps: # overwrite eps if too big eps = max_allowable_eps / 2 integral_left, error_left = scipy.integrate.quad( integrand_c, k_p, beta - eps / 2, **quad_kwargs ) integral_right, error_right = scipy.integrate.quad( integrand_c, beta + eps / 2, k_s, **quad_kwargs ) integral = integral_left + integral_right error = np.sqrt(error_left**2 + error_right**2) else: integral, error = scipy.integrate.quad(integrand_c, k_p, k_s) return integral, error def _crack_tip_k_plus_integral_arr(alpha_arr, k_p, k_s, **quad_kwargs): out = np.empty_like(alpha_arr, float) it = np.nditer([alpha_arr, out], op_flags=(["readonly"], ["writeonly", "allocate"])) for alpha, res in it: res[...] = _crack_tip_k_plus_integral(alpha, k_p, k_s, **quad_kwargs)[0] return it.operands[1] def _crack_tip_k_plus(alpha_arr, k_p, k_s, **quad_kwargs): return np.exp(_crack_tip_k_plus_integral_arr(alpha_arr, k_p, k_s, **quad_kwargs))
[docs] def crack_tip_2d( inc_theta, out_theta, longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel, rayleigh_vel=None, to_compute=("LL", "LT", "TL", "TT"), **quad_kwargs, ): """ Analytical model of the diffraction of elastic waves by a crack tip. The crack length is infinite. Parameters ---------- inc_theta out_theta longitudinal_vel transverse_vel rayleigh_vel : float or None If None, use :func:`arim.ut.rayleigh_vel` to_compute quad_kwargs Returns ------- res Notes ----- [Ogilvy83] Ogilvy, J. A., and J. A. G. Temple. 1983. ‘Diffraction of Elastic Waves by Cracks: Application to Time-of-Flight Inspection’. Ultrasonics 21 (6):259–69. """ res = dict() # use paper notations # 1e7 is a scaling factor. The theoretical result does not depend on the frequency # but the numerical result because of finite numerical precision. k_p = 1e7 / longitudinal_vel k_s = 1e7 / transverse_vel if rayleigh_vel is None: rayleigh_vel = ut.rayleigh_vel(longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel) k_0 = 1e7 / rayleigh_vel k_p2 = k_p**2 k_s2 = k_s**2 beta = inc_theta theta = out_theta e_ipi4 = np.sqrt(1j) # exp(1j pi / 4) sin = np.sin cos = np.cos sqrt = np.sqrt pi = np.pi cos_theta = cos(theta) cos_beta = cos(beta) if "LT" in to_compute or "TT" in to_compute: k_plus_ks_cos_theta = _crack_tip_k_plus( -k_s * cos_theta, k_p, k_s, **quad_kwargs ) else: k_plus_ks_cos_theta = None if "LL" in to_compute or "TL" in to_compute: k_plus_kp_cos_theta = _crack_tip_k_plus( -k_p * cos_theta, k_p, k_s, **quad_kwargs ) else: k_plus_kp_cos_theta = None if "TL" in to_compute or "TT" in to_compute: k_plus_ks_cos_beta = _crack_tip_k_plus(-k_s * cos_beta, k_p, k_s, **quad_kwargs) else: k_plus_ks_cos_beta = None if "LL" in to_compute or "LT" in to_compute: k_plus_kp_cos_beta = _crack_tip_k_plus(-k_p * cos_beta, k_p, k_s, **quad_kwargs) else: k_plus_kp_cos_beta = None if "LL" in to_compute: # Gp(theta, beta) res["LL"] = ( e_ipi4 * sin(beta / 2) * ( sin(theta / 2) * (2 * k_p2 * cos_beta**2 - k_s2) * (2 * k_p2 * cos_theta**2 - k_s2) + 2 * k_p**3 * cos(beta / 2) * cos_beta * sin(2 * theta) * sqrt(k_s - k_p * cos_theta) * sqrt(k_s - k_p * cos_beta) ) / ( 2 * pi * (k_s2 - k_p2) * (cos_theta + cos_beta) * (k_0 - k_p * cos_theta) * (k_0 - k_p * cos_beta) * k_plus_kp_cos_theta * k_plus_kp_cos_beta ) ) if "LT" in to_compute: # G_s(theta, beta) res["LT"] = ( e_ipi4 * sqrt(k_p / k_s) * ( k_s2 * sin(beta / 2) * ( sqrt(2 * k_p) * (2 * k_p2 * cos_beta**2 - k_s2) * sin(2 * theta) * sqrt((k_p - k_s * cos_theta).astype(complex)) - 4 * k_p2 * sqrt(2 * k_s) * cos(beta / 2) * cos_beta * sin(theta / 2) * cos(2 * theta) * sqrt(k_s - k_p * cos_beta) ) ) / ( 4 * pi * (k_s2 - k_p2) * (k_s * cos_theta + k_p * cos_beta) * (k_0 - k_s * cos_theta) * (k_0 - k_p * cos_beta) * k_plus_ks_cos_theta * k_plus_kp_cos_beta ) ) if "TL" in to_compute: # F_p(theta, beta) res["TL"] = ( e_ipi4 * sqrt(k_s / k_p) * ( k_s2 * sin(beta / 2) * ( -k_p2 * sqrt(2 * k_s) * cos(2 * beta) * sin(2 * theta) * sqrt(k_s - k_p * cos(theta)) + 4 * sqrt(2 * k_p) * cos(beta / 2) * cos(beta) * sin(theta / 2) * (2 * k_p2 * cos_theta**2 - k_s2) * sqrt((k_p - k_s * cos_beta).astype(complex)) ) ) / ( 4 * pi * (k_s2 - k_p2) * (k_p * cos_theta + k_s * cos_beta) * (k_0 - k_p * cos_theta) * (k_0 - k_s * cos_beta) * k_plus_kp_cos_theta * k_plus_ks_cos_beta ) ) if "TT" in to_compute: # F_s(theta, beta) res["TT"] = ( e_ipi4 * k_s**3 * sin(beta / 2) * ( k_s * cos(2 * beta) * cos(2 * theta) * sin(theta / 2) + 2 * cos(beta / 2) * cos(beta) * sin(2 * theta) * sqrt((k_p - k_s * cos_theta).astype(complex)) * sqrt((k_p - k_s * cos_beta).astype(complex)) ) / ( 2 * pi * (k_s2 - k_p2) * (cos_theta + cos_beta) * (k_0 - k_s * cos_theta) * (k_0 - k_s * cos_beta) * k_plus_ks_cos_theta * k_plus_ks_cos_beta ) ) return res
[docs] def rotate_matrix(scat_matrix, phi): """ Return the scattering matrix S' of the scatterer rotated by an angle phi, knowing the scattering matrix S of the unrotated scatterer:: S'(theta_1, theta_2) = S(theta_1 - phi, theta_2 - phi) Use FFT internally. Parameters ---------- scat_matrix : ndarray Shape (numangles, numangles) phi : float Defect's rotation angle in radian. Returns ------ roated_scat_matrix: ndarray Shape : (numangles, numangles) """ n, _ = scat_matrix.shape freq = np.fft.fftfreq(n, 2 * np.pi / n) freq_x, freq_y = np.meshgrid(freq, freq, indexing="ij") freqshift = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * (freq_x + freq_y) * phi) scat_matrix_f = np.fft.fft2(scat_matrix) return np.fft.ifft2(freqshift * scat_matrix_f)
[docs] def rotate_matrices(scat_matrices, phi): """ Call :func:`rotate_matrix` on each matrix in a dict. Parameters ---------- scat_matrices : dict phi : float Returns ------- dict """ return { scat_key: rotate_matrix(scat_matrix, phi) for scat_key, scat_matrix in scat_matrices.items() }
def _partial_one_scat_key(scat_func, scat_key, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a dict of functions. >>> assert scat_func(x, y, z, to_compute=['LT'])['LT'] == _partial_one_scat_key(scat_func, 'LT', z)(x, y) """ # Remark: do not try to replace this by a lambda function, a proper closure is needed # here. # See # Inspired by to_compute = {scat_key} def new_scat_func(*fargs, **fkeywords): newkeywords = kwargs.copy() newkeywords.update(fkeywords) return scat_func(*args, *fargs, to_compute=to_compute, **newkeywords)[scat_key] return new_scat_func
[docs] def scat_factory(kind, material, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a Scattering2d object in a simple way Parameters ---------- kind : str material : Material args kwargs Returns ------- Scattering2d Examples -------- >>> material = arim.Material(6300., 3120., 2700., 'solid', metadata={'long_name': 'Aluminium'}) Creating the scattering object: >>> scat_obj = scat_factory('file', material, 'scattering_data.mat') >>> scat_obj = scat_factory('crack_centre', material, crack_length=2.0e-3) >>> scat_obj = scat_factory('crack_tip', material) >>> scat_obj = scat_factory('sdh', material, radius=0.5e-3) >>> scat_obj = scat_factory('point', material) # unphysical, debug only Each ``scat_obj`` is a :class:`Scattering2d` object. """ kind = kind.lower() # ignore case if kind == "file": from . import io return io.scat.load_scat(*args, **kwargs) elif kind == "crack_centre": return CrackCentreScat( *args, longitudinal_vel=material.longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel=material.transverse_vel, density=material.density, **kwargs, ) elif kind == "crack_tip": return CrackTipScat( material.longitudinal_vel, material.transverse_vel, *args, **kwargs ) elif kind == "sdh": return SdhScat( *args, longitudinal_vel=material.longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel=material.transverse_vel, **kwargs, ) elif kind == "point": return PointSourceScat( material.longitudinal_vel, material.transverse_vel, *args, **kwargs ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"no strategy for kind='{kind}'")
[docs] class Scattering2d(abc.ABC): """ Base object for computing the scattering functions in 2D. Examples -------- >>> material = arim.Material(6300., 3120., 2700., 'solid', metadata={'long_name': 'Aluminium'}) >>> scat_obj = scat_factory('sdh', material, radius=0.5e-3) A :class:`Scattering2d` can be used a function of the incident angles, the scattered angles and the frequency: >>> inc_theta = np.deg2rad([0., 0., 0.]) >>> out_theta = np.deg2rad([0., 10., 20]) >>> frequency = 5e6 # Hz >>> result = scat_obj(inc_theta, out_theta, frequency) ``result`` is a dict with keys 'LL', 'LT', 'TL', 'TT'. Each value of the dict is an array of shape (3, ). >>> result2 = scat_obj(inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute=['LL']) ``result2`` is a dict which contains the key 'LL'. Use this feature to reduce the amount of computation. Depending on how the function is written, other keys may be returned. To generate scattering matrices: >>> numangles = 10 # number of angles between -pi (included) and +pi (excluded) >>> single_freq_matrices = scat_obj.as_single_freq_matrices(numangles, frequency) ``single_freq_matrices['LL']`` is here a 2d array of shape (10, 10). >>> frequencies = [1e6, 2e6, 3e6, 4e6, 5e6] # Hz >>> multi_freq_matrices = scat_obj.as_multi_freq_matrices(numangles, frequencies) ``multi_freq_matrices['LL']`` is here a 3d array of shape (5, 10, 10). For convenience, functions that return an array instead of a dict of array are provided. >>> func_dict = scat_obj.as_freq_angles_funcs() >>> scat_LL_func = func_dict['LL'] >>> scat_LL_func(phi_in, phi_out, frequency) ... # return an array """ @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): """ Returns the scattering values for the given angles and frequency. Parameters ---------- inc_theta : ndarray out_theta : ndarray frequency : float to_compute : set[str] See :data:`SCAT_KEYS` Returns ------- scat_values : dict[ndarray] Keys: at least the ones given in ``to_compute``. """
[docs] def as_freq_angles_funcs(self): """ Returns a dict of scattering functions that take as input the incident angle, the outgoing angle and the frequency. """ scat_funcs = {} for scat_key in SCAT_KEYS: scat_funcs[scat_key] = _partial_one_scat_key(self, scat_key) return scat_funcs
[docs] def as_angles_funcs(self, frequency): """ Returns a dict of scattering functions that take as input the incident angle and the outgoing angle. """ scat_funcs = {} for scat_key in SCAT_KEYS: scat_funcs[scat_key] = _partial_one_scat_key( self, scat_key, frequency=frequency ) return scat_funcs
[docs] def as_multi_freq_matrices(self, frequencies, numangles, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): """ Returns scattering matrices at different frequencies. Parameters ---------- frequency : ndarray Shape: (numfreq, ) numangles : int to_compute See :data:`SCAT_KEYS` Returns ------- dict[str, ndarray] Shape of each matrix: ``(numfreq, numpoints, numpoints)`` """ inc_theta, out_theta = make_angles_grid(numangles) out = None for i, frequency in enumerate(frequencies): matrices = self(inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute) if out is None: # Late initialisation for getting the datatype of matrices out = { scat_key: np.zeros( (len(frequencies), numangles, numangles), matrices[scat_key].dtype, ) for scat_key in to_compute } for scat_key in to_compute: out[scat_key][i] = matrices[scat_key] return out
[docs] def as_single_freq_matrices(self, frequency, numangles, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): """ Returns scattering matrices at a given frequency. Parameters ---------- frequency : float numangles : int to_compute : set[str] Returns ------- dict[str, ndarray] Shape of each matrix: ``(numpoints, numpoints)`` """ inc_theta, out_theta = make_angles_grid(numangles) return self(inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute)
[docs] def as_multi_freq_matrices_obj(self, frequencies, numangles, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): """ Returns scattering matrices at different frequencies as a ScatFromData object. Parameters ---------- frequencies : ndarray numangles : int to_compute : set[str] Returns ------- ScatFromData """ matrices = self.as_multi_freq_matrices(frequencies, numangles, to_compute) return ScatFromData.from_dict(frequencies, matrices)
[docs] class Scattering2dFromFunc(Scattering2d): """ Wrapper for scattering functions that take as three first arguments 'inc_theta', 'out_theta' and 'frequency', and that accepts an argument 'to_compute'. To wrap a scattering function with this class: - create a class that inherit this class, - set the wrapped function as the '_scat_func' attribute, - populate the ``_scat_kwargs`` attribute with the extra arguments to pass to ``_scat_func``, ie any argument but ``inc_theta``, ``out_theta``, ``frequency`` and ``to_compute``. This class is abstract. """ _scat_kwargs = None # placeholder @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def _scat_func(*args, **kwargs): """Wrapped function.""" raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): return self._scat_func( inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute=to_compute, **self._scat_kwargs ) def __repr__(self): # Returns something like 'Scattering(x=1, y=2)' arg_str = ", ".join([f"{key}={val}" for key, val in self._scat_kwargs.items()]) return self.__class__.__qualname__ + "(" + arg_str + ")"
[docs] class SdhScat(Scattering2dFromFunc): """ Scattering for side-drilled hole This class provides the :class:`Scattering2d` interface for :func:`sdh_2d_scat`. """ _scat_func = staticmethod(sdh_2d_scat) def __init__( self, radius, longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel, min_terms=10, term_factor=4 ): self._scat_kwargs = dict( radius=radius, longitudinal_vel=longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel=transverse_vel, min_terms=min_terms, term_factor=term_factor, )
[docs] class CrackCentreScat(Scattering2dFromFunc): """ Scattering of a crack at its centre. This class provides the :class:`Scattering2d` interface for :func:`crack_2d_scat`. """ _scat_func = staticmethod(crack_2d_scat) def __init__( self, crack_length, longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel, density, nodes_per_wavelength=20, ): self._scat_kwargs = dict( crack_length=crack_length, longitudinal_vel=longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel=transverse_vel, density=density, nodes_per_wavelength=nodes_per_wavelength, ) self._in_matrix_calculation = False def __call__(self, inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): return self._scat_func( inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute=to_compute, assume_safe_for_opt=self._in_matrix_calculation, **self._scat_kwargs, ) @contextlib.contextmanager def _scat_matrix_calculation(self): """context manager to flag we are doing a scattering matrix calculation""" self._in_matrix_calculation = True yield self._in_matrix_calculation = False
[docs] def as_multi_freq_matrices(self, frequencies, numangles, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): with self._scat_matrix_calculation(): return super().as_multi_freq_matrices(frequencies, numangles, to_compute)
[docs] def as_single_freq_matrices(self, frequency, numangles, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): with self._scat_matrix_calculation(): assert self._in_matrix_calculation result = super().as_single_freq_matrices(frequency, numangles, to_compute) assert not self._in_matrix_calculation return result
[docs] class PointSourceScat(Scattering2dFromFunc): """ Scattering of an unphysical point source. For debug only. For any incident and scattered angles, the scattering is defined as:: S_LL = 1 S_LT = v_L / v_T S_TL = -v_T / v_L S_TT = 1 Remark: these scattering functions could have been defined as:: S_LL = a S_LT = b * v_L / v_T S_TL = -b * v_T / v_L S_TT = c with any a, b, c. These coefficients were chosen arbitrarily in the present function. Therefore drawing quantitative conclusions from a model using this function must be done with care. """ @staticmethod def _scat_func( phi_in, phi_out, frequency, longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS, ): shape = np.broadcast(phi_in, phi_out).shape v_L = longitudinal_vel v_T = transverse_vel out = dict() if "LL" in to_compute: out["LL"] = np.full(shape, 1.0) if "LT" in to_compute: out["LT"] = np.full(shape, v_L / v_T) if "TL" in to_compute: out["TL"] = np.full(shape, -v_T / v_L) if "TT" in to_compute: out["TT"] = np.full(shape, 1.0) return out def __init__(self, longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel): self._scat_kwargs = dict( longitudinal_vel=longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel=transverse_vel )
[docs] class CrackTipScat(Scattering2dFromFunc): """ Crack tip diffraction Wrapper for :func:`crack_tip_2d` """ _scat_func = staticmethod(crack_tip_2d) def __call__(self, inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): # drop frequency argument return self._scat_func( inc_theta, out_theta, to_compute=to_compute, **self._scat_kwargs ) def __init__( self, longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel, rayleigh_vel=None, **quad_args ): self._scat_kwargs = dict( longitudinal_vel=longitudinal_vel, transverse_vel=transverse_vel, rayleigh_vel=rayleigh_vel, **quad_args, )
[docs] class ScatFromData(Scattering2d): """ Scattering functions from a set of data. This class provides the regular :class:`Scattering2d` interface for a dataset of scattering matrices. The typical usage is to use this class for wrapping data generated with another software in arim. By default, this class uses a **linear interpolation** for generating values at new angles. By default, this class uses a **linear interpolation** for generating values at new frequencies when at least two frequencies point are given. Outside the frequency range of the data, values are extrapolated. This can be changed by modifying :attr:`interp_freq_kwargs`, the arguments passed to `scipy.interpolate.interp1d`. If the data contains only one frequency, this data will be used at any new frequency. Attributes ---------- numfreq : int numangles : int orig_matrices : dict Shape of each value: (numfreq, numangles, numangles) frequencies : ndarray 1d array interp_freq_kwargs : dict Passed to ``scipy.interpolate.interp1d``. Default: ``bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate'`` """ def __init__( self, frequencies, scat_matrix_LL=None, scat_matrix_LT=None, scat_matrix_TL=None, scat_matrix_TT=None, ): frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies) if frequencies.ndim == 0: frequencies = np.array([frequencies]) elif frequencies.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("'frequencies' must be 1d") numfreq = len(frequencies) shapes = { np.shape(scat_matrix_LL) if scat_matrix_LL is not None else None, np.shape(scat_matrix_LT) if scat_matrix_LT is not None else None, np.shape(scat_matrix_TL) if scat_matrix_TL is not None else None, np.shape(scat_matrix_TT) if scat_matrix_TT is not None else None, } shapes.discard(None) if len(shapes) == 0: raise ValueError("at least one scattering matrix must be passed") elif len(shapes) > 1: raise ValueError("scattering matrices must have the same shape") shape = shapes.pop() wrong_shape_err = ( "Scattering matrices' shape must be (numfreq, numangles, numangles)" ) if len(shape) != 3: raise ValueError(wrong_shape_err) if shape[1] != shape[2]: raise ValueError(wrong_shape_err) if shape[0] != numfreq: raise ValueError(wrong_shape_err) self.frequencies = frequencies self.numfreq = numfreq self.numangles = shape[1] self.orig_matrices = dict() if scat_matrix_LL is not None: self.orig_matrices["LL"] = np.ascontiguousarray(scat_matrix_LL) if scat_matrix_LT is not None: self.orig_matrices["LT"] = np.ascontiguousarray(scat_matrix_LT) if scat_matrix_TL is not None: self.orig_matrices["TL"] = np.ascontiguousarray(scat_matrix_TL) if scat_matrix_TT is not None: self.orig_matrices["TT"] = np.ascontiguousarray(scat_matrix_TT) self.interp_freq_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, frequencies, scat_matrix_dict): """ Alternative constructor: takes as input a dict of scattering matrices (keys: LL, LT, TL, TT) Parameters ---------- frequencies scat_matrix_dict Returns ------- obj : ScatFromData """ scat_matrix_LL = scat_matrix_dict.get("LL") scat_matrix_LT = scat_matrix_dict.get("LT") scat_matrix_TL = scat_matrix_dict.get("TL") scat_matrix_TT = scat_matrix_dict.get("TT") return cls( frequencies, scat_matrix_LL, scat_matrix_LT, scat_matrix_TL, scat_matrix_TT )
def __call__(self, inc_theta, out_theta, frequency, to_compute=SCAT_KEYS): # Compute first the scattering matrices at the desired frequency. # Then interpolate the angles. # A possible optimisation: perform the interpolation on frequency and angles # in one step instead of two. This would required extending interpolate_matrix. # perform frequency interpolation: matrices = self.freq_interp_matrices( self.frequencies, frequency, self.orig_matrices, **self.interp_freq_kwargs ) # create angle interpolators: interpolators = interpolate_matrices(matrices) # perform angle interpolation: return { scat_key: interpolator(inc_theta, out_theta) for scat_key, interpolator in interpolators.items() }
[docs] @staticmethod def freq_interp_matrices( frequencies, new_freq, multi_freq_matrices, **interp_freq_kwargs ): """ Return the single-frequency scattering matrices from multi-frequency scattering matrices by interpolating at the desired frequency. Parameters ---------- frequencies : ndarray 1d new_freq : float multi_freq_scat_matrices : dict[str] Keys: frequencies (1d array), LL, LT, TL, TT interp1d_kwargs : kwargs Arguments for ``scipy.interpolate.interp1d`` Returns ------- single_freq_scat_matrices """ out = {} interpolation_is_needed = len(frequencies) > 1 if not interpolation_is_needed: # only one frequency, return the only scattering matrices if new_freq != frequencies[0]: warnings.warn( "No available scattering data at f={}, use f={} instead".format( new_freq, frequencies[0] ), exceptions.ArimWarning, ) for key in SCAT_KEYS: try: matrix = multi_freq_matrices[key] except KeyError: continue else: if interpolation_is_needed: out[key] = interpolate.interp1d( frequencies, matrix, axis=0, **interp_freq_kwargs )(new_freq) else: out[key] = matrix[0] return out