
Ray tracing module


This object contain the interface points through which the pass during the propagation and the speeds between the consecutive interfaces.

FermatSolver(fermat_paths_set[, dtype, ...])

Solver: take as input the interfaces, give as output the ray paths.

RayGeometry(interfaces, rays[, use_cache])

RayGeometry computes the leg sizes and various angles in rays.

Rays(times, interior_indices, path)

Store the rays between the first and last sets of points along a specific path.

find_minimum_times(time_1, time_2[, dtype, ...])

For i=1:n and j=1:p,

ray_tracing(views_list[, walls, ...])

Perform the ray tracing for different views.

ray_tracing_for_paths(paths_list[, walls, ...])

Perform the ray tracing for different paths.